07 October 2012

Penghargaan buat seorang sahabat seperjuangan

Bagi Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional PAS Kota Raja dan Jentera Pilihnaraya PAS Kota Raja nama Mr Ir Oon Eng Hock bukanlah sesuatu yang asing bagi kami di Parlimen Kota Raja.

Beliau juga merupakan Sekretariat Parlimen Kota Raja serta memegang jawatan sebagai Ketua Porfolio HAK dan NGO di JPrK, merupakan seorang aktivis Parti PAS yang sangat fokus kepada perjuangan Parti.

Beliau sentiasa bersama kami dalam apa juga program parti dan sangat merendah diri serta tawadhuk walau pun beliau berkelulusan Ir serta tinggal di kawasan Urban di Bukit Rimau.

Semalam beliau menerima menantu perempuan dan menjemput kami sebagai rakan seperjuangannya dalam Parti PAS untuk bersama-sama meraikan saat gembira beliau dan keluarga.

Ketika beliau menyampaikan ucapan... hampir 10 minit beliau menceritan kepada ahli keluarga sahabat dan rakan taulan yang datang dari Singapura, Australia, Jepun, Amerika dan England bagaimana beliau boleh terlibat dalam perjuangan PAS.

Antara petikan ucapannya kepada hadirin ialah beliau menyertai PAS sebuah Parti Islam bukan bermakna beliau ingin memeluk Islam tetapi beliau sangat tertarik setelah membaca dan memahami perlembaggan PAS yang berjuang secara adil, telus dan untuk semua tidak mengira warna kulit, agama dan kaum.

Beliau juga berikrar ingin memecak tembok yang memisahkan orang Melayu dengan orang Cina yang cuba direnggang oleh Umno yang bersikap rasis kepada bangsa Cina.

Beliau menerangkan bagaimana PAS yang dokong oleh golongan agamawan, cendiakawan dan proifesional merupa Parti yang sangat suci dari membuat rasuah dan sebagainya.

Beliau juga sempat memperkenalkan kami kepada beberapa Pastor dari beberapa Gereja dan mempelawa mereka membuat hubungan secara langsung dengan PAS dan mengadakan dialog. 

Terima kasih Mr Ir Oon dan sebagai penghargaan dari Parlimen Kota Raja kami siarkan gambar-gambar disekitar majlis semalam.

Pasangan ideal - kami terkejut kerana hampir 5 tahun kami mengenali isteri
Mr Oon ... beliau lebih gemar memakai t-shirt sahaja

Layanan mesra Mr Oon kepada kami amat luar biasa

Mr Huang - menyumbang RM5K untuk JPrK ... tqvm



  1. Despite what is written here, I think Mr Oon Eng Hock is not a humble person. He has let such praises of him get to his head. He has been causing a lot of problems to his residents in Bukit Rimau. In fact residents in Bukit Rimau dislike him as he has been blindly fighting all efforts by the residents to establish better security features in the area. He acts like a thug in the area claiming the area as if his own. Mr Oon will be the failure of chinese support for PAS in the area if he continues his crusade to blindly fight against the majority of residents who are only trying to ensure the safety of all.

    1. Hello Anonymous,

      It is unbecoming of you to speak bad things about other people while hiding your own name (and agenda).

      I had been living in Bukti Rimau for almost 11 years (since 2002) and ever since I knew Mr. Oon, he is a very caring and responsible neighbour and a respected Resident Association leader. I am 40 years old and I regard Mr. Oon like a father figure if not and elder brother.

      What he is doing in the neighbourhood is to educate the younger generation about the Rule of Law. If you are one of those "gated community" aspirants, please follow the Law of The Land. In this country, you can build a wall around your house as high as you like for you own safety provided it is ON YOUR OWN PROPERTY.

      Please do not build fences and gates on PUBLIC PROPERTY and then harassing others and demanding "protection money" in a disguise about "security concerns". These are the real thuggish behaviour. Your cowardice in hiding your real ID while slandering Mr. Oon itself shows that you are NOT A MAN of integrity.

      I think that is enough for people to see who is sincere here.


    2. HI Anonymous,

      Like Raihan,I have been in BKt Rimau for almost 11 years [my dad's home and then I also decided to buy another property for my own dwelling], when we moved in there were no ugly fences or foreigner blocking residence from free movement either to walk their dog or jog or bicycle. I was a peaceful community until one or two manipulative individual with some hidden agenda to make money illegally came up with a plan to rile residences to illegally build boom gates and fences.
      Now this particularly vile and cunning individual only managed to get the support of non strata title owners ie terrace houses to support his plans as his earlier plan to gate the whole community even those under the strata title community - town houses fell flat on his face when the organised RA of the town houses rejected his bid/attempt.
      Pls do not tarnish his name (Mr Oon) as he has the necessary chinese, loacal muslim and local christian community thru his close connection with all of them.
      The same manipulative ways has been employed by the same unscruplous individual to making akin that 1 person is the voice of the many. This is a duplicity headed by him and bunch of low lifes who seems to go around demanding protection money.
      For all its worth, I believe there will be more people supporting PAS if the menance of having illegal gated and guarded areas are effectively put to stop
      If a person is paranoid of his safety, I would suggest he or she, hire a guard to guard their home and employ all around CCTV, this person or persons should resort to illegal means which are a nuisance to everyone for their own selfish needs.

      My name is Varian Especkerman


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